Inside our Pantry

Aug 13, 20220 commentsPulp Pantry
It's summertime and we're sharing our fave way to use any pulp (carrots, beets, you name it) to make a delicious homemade veggie patty, perfect for summer grilling. Let's eat!
May 09, 20220 commentsPulp Pantry
How to use your broccoli, cauliflower or romanesco stalks? Try our nourishing soup recipe! This recipe works for any of your cruciferous vegetable stems. Try it with kale stems, chard...
Mar 28, 20220 commentsPulp Pantry
In a pinch but want to enjoy your Pulp Chips with some healthy fats for a satisfying snack? Try this Tzatziki Dip with Pulp Chips. It's an easy 5 minute recipe...
Jan 31, 20220 commentsPulp Pantry
It's citrus season, which means you probably have a ton of peels and discarded bits on hand. Here's an easy way to use up those citrus peels: make this easy...
Jan 27, 20220 commentsPulp Pantry
Recipe by our recipe editor, Aleigh Michelle What can you do with the pulp from juicing? As certified Pulp Experts (yes, we gave ourselves that title), we get sooooo many questions...
Jan 20, 20220 commentsPulp Pantry
Recipe by Aleigh Michelle My compost rules are this: no citrus. It takes forever for those rinds to break down, and plus, some of those compost microbes really don't enjoy...