Inside our Pantry

Jan 05, 20220 commentsPulp Pantry
People always ask us : how do you sweeten your seasonings for Pulp Chips, the healthier way?It took some thought for us to find healthier alternatives that would boost sweetness...
May 22, 20200 commentsPulp Pantry
We've heard it all before, from our parents, our doctors, nutritionists and more. Fruits and vegetables give your body the fiber it needs to stay healthy. Fiber found in vegetables and fruits...
Mar 18, 20200 commentsPulp Pantry
How much pulp is out there? What do companies currently do with their pulp? Why shouldn’t we throw pulp away? What are the benefits of pulp? Is pulp good for you? What kind of...
Mar 15, 20200 commentsPulp Pantry
So you’re looking for ways to reduce the packaged food you buy at home without making your life more difficult. Below are your new best friends to make purchasing package-free...
Mar 15, 20200 commentsPulp Pantry
The number one complaint we hear from friends and fam trying to go vegan or live a low waste lifestyle is that it’s so darn expensive. Here we're sharing our personal...
Mar 15, 20200 commentsPulp Pantry
5 Ways to Eat Better for the Planet, and Better for Yourself. Nowadays, it’s so easy to waste resources without even batting an eyelash. As consumers, we hardly even touch...